Business Licence

Business Licence

Any person operating a business is required to apply to the Commerce Unit in the Ministry of Finance for a Business Licence. Once the application is approved, the business owner is required to register the business with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) and pay the required fees for the operation of the business. Upon receipt of payment, IRD issues a business license certificate; which the business owner is required to display in the place of business.

All Businesses Licences are valid until December 31st of the year received and must be renewed annually at the IRD.

Business Licence fees vary according to the nature of the business/ activity.

Read the Act

Business Licence Register as at 1st July 2024

Act 24 - Licensing of Businesses Act, 2021

Required Tax Representation For Businesses

Business Template



Business Licence Application Form

Renewal of Business Licence

Application for Closure of Business

F1 - Registration of an Individual

F2 - Registration of an Individual Enterprise

F3 - Registration of a Non-Individual Enterprise