08 Dec 2021
Press Release #12 Liquor Licence - January 2022
Special Magistrate’s Court for New and Renewal Liquor Licences
To the General Public, Restauranteurs and Bar Owners, please be advised that on Tuesday 4th January 2022, the Magistrate will hold a special court for receiving and considering applications for new licences and renewal of licences to sell liquor. Persons and/or establishments selling or keeping for the purpose of sale any liquor, MUST obtain and display a liquor licence.
For First Time Liquor Licence Applicants
You are required to:
- Make an application to the court not less than 21 days before the hearing.
- Complete the application form in triplicate - one for the applicant, one for the Court and the other for the Commissioner of Police.
- Publish the application notice in the public newspaper two weeks prior to the court hearing, providing a copy of your application.
- Affix and maintain the application notice to the door of the intended premises for the Liquor licence between the hours of 10 am and 5pm for two (2) consecutive Sundays prior to the court hearing.
- Attend court on the day appointed for the special hearing.
- If the licence is granted, a certificate is issued at the court detailing the particulars of the licence.
Renewal of Liquor Licence
A licensed person who applies for a renewal of their Liquor Licence should, not less than 21 days before the special Magistrate’s court, submit their renewal application form to the court.
The applicant is not required to attend the court in person unless they are required by the Magistrate to do so.
Full press release document can be found here: Press Release IRD-PR 122021 - Liquor Licence.pdf